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Advance Clock

Parmesh119's github profile

This is the real-time dynamic clock that I created using the JS and DOM manipulation and using responsive design and css part.

Book Recommendation System

Sakhi29's github profile

A book recommendation system using content and collaborative filtering based techniques with good frontend using Flask

Personal Portfolio

RaviSolanki27's github profile

Built a portfolio website using React + Typescript and Tailwind CSS.

AR Watches

TusharMinche's github profile

The AR Watches Android app is designed to showcase augmented reality technology by allowing users to virtually try on watches using their smartphone's camera.

Jobby App

swethapaleti's github profile

A job portal built using reactjs.JS and with mobile-first responsive design. This project provides various filters for filtering a large set of jobs fetched from an API. This project also uses JWT for authentication.

Google Keeper Clone

Deepanshu0703's github profile

This is a clone of google keeper app. It is a note taking app where you can add, delete and edit notes.


suravshrestha's github profile

An Artificial Intelligence application for predicting skin diseases.

Automatic Obstacle Detection Car with Colour sensor

srujana-16's github profile

In this project, an automatic obstacle detecting car was made. The car uses ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles and avoid them. A color sensor is used to start and stop the car. An algorithm for the navigation of the car was created and implemented on the Arduino.

Netflix Replica

SyedImtiyaz-1's github profile

It's a Clone of a Famous OTT Platform 'Netflix'.

Personal Portfolio Website

Atharva-3000's github profile

You can use this template to create your own portfolio easily and showcase your projects.